5L-50L Cosmaidí Uathoibríoch Stirrers Saotharlann Homogenizer Liom Lotion Ointment Ointment Ointment Homogenizer Meascóir
Gnéithe Físeáin Táirge 1. Glacann sé le struchtúr boird clasaiceach na hEorpa, agus tá cruach dhosmálta brushed álainn agus flaithiúil. 2. Cuirtear an homogenizer ag bun an phota, tá an seafta rothlach an -ghearr, agus ní bheidh aon chroitheadh ann. The material enters from the bottom of the pot, enters the pipe outside the pot through the homogenizer, and then returns to the liquid level from the top of the pot for external circulation, which can fully ensure that all materials have... -
Cineál seasta folúis Eiblithe Eiblithe Meascthóir Aghaidh Cream Cream Lotion Leacht Leachta
Fixed Type Vacuum Emulsifying Mixer Face Body Cream Lotion Liquid Washing Homogenizing Machine is for large-volume production of products, fixed means that its lid is connected with the pot body and can not be separated. Ní féidir an clúdach a ardú suas agus síos;
RIALÚ RIALACHÁIN TAITHÍ Homogenizer Fholúis Eiblithe Eiblithe Meascóir Cosmaideach Machnamh Cosmaideach le haghaidh lóis uachtar Craiceann barr homogenizernizer roghnach roghnach
Sina Ekato Fholúis Tá an meascthóir eiblithe go maith do chineálacha éagsúla bianna táirge cosmaidí cosmaidí. Glac le homogenizer teicneolaíochta na Gearmáine, is maith an rud é an t -am táirgthe earraí a ghiorrú. Chun freastal ar riachtanas na gcustaiméirí, soláthraíonn Sina Ekato seirbhís saincheaptha, agus is féidir leis an meascthóir a shaincheapadh ar iarratas an chustaiméara.
Rialú leictreonach barr homogenizer measctha déthreoch i bhfolús eiblithe le haghaidh innealra cosmaideacha lóis uachtar
The machine is made up of pretreatment boiler (oil boiler, water boiler), vacuum emulsification blending boiler, vacuum pump, pouringout system, electric control system or steam heating system and workable. 5-2000L Meaisín eiblithe folúis le haghaidh cosmaidí, uachtar, ointment, lóis, táirgí cúraim craicinn srl.